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发布日期:2021-06-28    作者:     来源:伟德国际1946     点击:







1.Feng Y, Ke C, Tang Q, H Dong, X Zheng,W Lin,et al. Metformin promotes autophagy and apoptosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by downregulating Stat3 signaling[J].Cell death & disease, 2014, 5(2),e1088.IF=5.1(非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

2.Yi-Teng Huang, Fei-Fei Li,Chen Ke,Zhou Li,Zong-Tai Li, Xiao-Fang Zou, Xiao-Xuan Zheng,Yu-Ping Chen, and Hao Zhang. PTPRO promoter methylation is predictive of poorer outcome for HER2-positive breast cancer: indication for personalized therapy[J]. Journal of translational medicine, 2013, 11(1), 245. IF=3.4(非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

3.Yan-Jie You,Yu-Ping Chen, Xiao-Xuan Zheng, Stephen J. Meltzerf, Hao Zhang.Aberrant methylation of the PTPRO gene in peripheral blood as a potential biomarker in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients. Cancer Lett. 2012, 315(2),138-144. IF=4.2(非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

4.Sen Wang, Yu Li*, Ying-Chang Ji, Chang-Min Lin, Cheng Man and Xiao-Xuan Zheng. Stem-cell-activated organ following ultrasound exposure: Better transplant option for organ transplantation. Med Hypotheses, 2010,74 (1), pp 147–149.IF=1.2(非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

5.Sen Wang, Yu Li*, Ying-Chang Ji, Chang-Min Lin, Cheng Man and Xiao-Xuan Zheng. The most efficient follicular regenerating unit and the smallest follicular regenerating unit: Potential treatments for hair loss. Med Hypotheses.2009,73 (6), pp 1035–1037. IF=1.2(非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

6.Zhang ZFZhang HYYang HW, Zhang LX, Chen XX, Zheng XXHe S. Induction of T-helper type 2 cytokine release and up-regulated expression of protease-activated receptors on mast cells by recombinant American cockroach allergen Per a 7. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2008,38, 1160–1167.IF=4.3(非伟德betvlctor国际官网)


1.周艳春, 侯一峰, 陈霖霏, 郑晓璇, 何韶衡. 人肥大细胞羧基肽酶的单抗2A9识别表位的预测和鉴定. 第四军医大学学报, 2006, 27(20),1863 -1866. (非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

2. 侯一峰, 周艳春, 郑晓璇, 王海燕, 傅意玲, 方泽曼, 何韶衡. 组胺对肺上皮细胞 Toll样受体表达的上调作用. 第四军医大学学报,2006, 27(20), 1867-1870. (非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

3. 李明才,郑晓璇,柳晓金,苏中静,苏绍波. 干扰素-λ对树突状细胞分化发育和功能的影响. 中国细胞生物学学会第九次会员代表大会暨青年学术大会论文摘要集, 2007年. (非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

4. 李明才,柳晓金,郑晓璇,周艳春,苏绍波. 小鼠可溶性ST2基因的克隆及其真核表达载体的构建. 医学研究生学报,2008,21(5),458-460.8.8.(非伟德betvlctor国际官网)

5. 郑晓璇, 杨万勇 ,黄少卿 , 刘伟畴, 刘雅丽, 黄格格 , 梁晓莹.新型抗炎因子白细胞介素37对宫颈癌SiHa细胞表达MMP-2的影响.《医药前沿》2016,6(18),217-218.(非伟德betvlctor国际官网)